Saturday, July 14, 2018

PLL: The Perfectionists Release Date? Filming Begins October!


Okay, so I realize that I'm far behind on my blog updates. But don't worry because I'll be updating this more when filming for the rest of the first season begins. Anyways, we have a release date! Isn't that great? I'm a little bummed though, but I'll get to that in like a second... 

Without further ado,  I give you the release date of...

MAY 13TH, 2019!!!

Not only is it premiering in May of '19, it's also premiering on a Monday... which I admit, I'm kinda bummed like I said earlier. I wish it could air on Tuesdays like the parent show did, so I'm hoping FreeForm moves it over a day. 

Also, a fan took to twitter to ask Marlene when filming for episodes 1x02-1x10 will begin, and it's sometime in October... nothing too official about that, but then again there's 3 1/2 months til October... which is also when the Charmed 2018 reboot is premiering so be excited for that(Or not... because I'm not. I'm more excited for PLL:TP tbh)

Are you excited for The Perfectionists? Is that even an appropriate question to ask? I can't wait til filming begins because we get so much BTS content from Twitter and Instagram!! 

May 2019 hurry up already!!!

Peace + Love


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