Friday, February 15, 2019

NEW PROMO: Somebody's Watching Me


Well, technically speaking we have two! First let's start with the promo photo FF released the other week... I FUCKING LOVE IT!! We have our Perfectionists together wearing what looks to be masquerade masks... could this mean one of our Perfectionists isn't who they seem to be? What secrets are Ava, Dylan and Caitlin hiding? I'm sure there's many secrets we're going to be finding out, and I for one cannot wait!! Sasha, Janel, Sofia, Eli and Sydney looks fucking AMAZING in this promo photo!! Props to you guys!! Now onto our new promo video...

I LOVE THIS FUCKING PROMO!!!  First we see rain pouring down, a camera turns on and then Mona is seen walking down, arms crossed and she looks really fucking nervous/suspicious. Turning around, she sees what I assume to be her glasses she used to wear back when she was "Loser Mona/Nerd Mona" and then we see Ava surrounded by mannequins(PLL easter egg #1) while she's making Red Coat(PLL easter egg #2) look pretty and fashionable.(LOVE THE RED COAT THROW IN!!!) We see Caitlin talking to a girl(who looks like the back of Troian TBH) when she realizes she's being watched by someone in the distance... Alison is seen through a window looking around until she notices the, whom I am assuming as the new Big Bad, watching her now. When the Big Bad stomps their foot in the water, we see PLL Easter Egg #3, Ezra's book, falling onto the ground.(Was it that bad, Big Bad?) And then we see Dylan playing on his cello, being a cellist badass. The promo begins to fade everyone together with Ava and Caitlin both looking after the Big Bad, Mona's having a hard time getting a look at the dude, then the mother fucker steps on her glasses... Fucking ASSHOLE!! Dylan's music sheet falls on the ground and then our amazing Perfectionists walks towards the screen with a fading effect... Then we see Big Bad wearing what appears to be a black hoodie(PLL easter egg #4) or even a black jacket... But you know what's the most interesting about this promo? Alison, Mona, Caitlin, and Ava all knew they were being watched, but not Dylan?? Is that a clue? I feel like this a clue... Now I'm even more interested in Dylan's character!! 

What did you guys think about this new promo? I for one loved it, and it's making me develop new theories. Also, kudos to all the PLL references because I fucking LOVE Red Coat!!

Until next time!

Peace + Love
