welcome to a brand new trailer via the iTunes Season 1 pass! Of course I bought
the pass immediately(it's how I get my screenshots) and what a surprise to see
that there's a new trailer on there ready to be watched! Without further ado,
let's just get right into it!
trailer starts out with The Perfectionists walking down a sidewalk on the BHU
campus. Loving how the air around them is foggy and eerie. The next shot is the
group separating down paths with Nolan Hotchkiss watching them from the roof of
a building...(STILL creepy, dude!) The screen flashes to Nolan on the roof
looking at the new anonymous villain, who is dressed exactly as he or she was
in the Somebody's Watching Me trailer. A black balaclava, a black sports
jacket, black jeans... you get the picture.
Our next shot is the cops and EMT's investigating the
crime scene with the EMT zipping up Nolan's dead body. Then we go right back
to the beginning with the Uber Driver and Alison heading on to Beacon
Heights, Oregon.
Alison enters the house and we immediately have Mona
showing up with her trusty knife and the pie she bought for her and Ali. In a
new scene, Mona places the pie on the table when Alison asks what she's doing
there. Mona informs Alison that she's the BHU faculty selector and she just
happened to choose Alison to come to the school and be a Teacher's Aide. Also
I love how Alison just gives Mona the, "Bitch are you serious?"
confused expression... like it's amazing!
Ava: Welcome to Beacon Heights University. Where excellence
is not an option, it’s a requirement.
As the Perfectionists walks outside, Nolan tells Dylan that
he’s doing his and Ava’s papers for the semester(SOMETHING DYLAN SHOULDN’T HAVE
TO DO!) and goes in to kiss Caitlin because they’re apparently a couple or
Entering Caitlin’s subplot, she asks Nolan why the fuck
would she ever pretend to be his girlfriend when Nolan reveals that he’s
blackmailing her ass because one of her mother’s are cheating with a man, and
if that gets out, Caitlin’s mothers political career will be destroyed! Okay,
while I do not condone Nolan’s actions because blackmailing someone is disgusting…
a new scene flashes, we're entering Dylan's plot where he's secretly in love
with Nolan, but then Nolan confronts him about it. That's when Dylan goes in
for the kiss, which turns out into a full on make out session between the two
into Ava's subplot, she and Nolan are taking a swim and they're talking
about how much they love each other... Ewww. No thanks, Ava. You can do
better than this manipulator! After a few shots in the pool, Ava walks in
on the mother fucking little prick cheating on her with some random chick.
Ava: We were so good together...
Nolan: It was always about the sex for me, and I'm bored with you.
the Hotchkiss party, Alison spies on Caitlin and Nolan where the douche bag
appears to be a little rough with Caitlin, something that sets Alison's
bully-meter off. After that, we're shown Claire walking down the steps
telling her son he can do so much better than Caitlin and her family
"full of drama". Okay, I loved you in Gossip Girl, but Claire...
YOU A BITCH IN THIS!!!(I love you, Kelly!!)
Mona tells Alison about her research and dangerous calculations when Nolan
is shown with the most fucking annoying smug ass look... like shut the fuck
up and die already, Nolan! I'm over him already! We're shown the
Perfectionists discussing Nolan in the forest, and I have to admit, this is
one of my favorite shots. It's so dark and eerie yet the lighting is so fucking
perfect on Eli, Sofia and Sydney's faces!
We then see Claire requesting footage of BH5(I'm assuming that's Beacon
Heights - Cam 5?) and the lady on the other side realizes it's footage of
Nolan... So Claire is spying on her own son? Does she suspect him of shady
shit? Selling trade secrets? Or is it possible she knows someone is out to
kill him? It's also revealed Mona is spying on Nolan too, so maybe she and
Alison realizes he's up to no good as well... god damn, this dude has so
many fucking eyes on him and what's fucking hilarious is that HE'S NOT
FUCKING SNEAKY AT ALL!! No wonder the killer was able to fucking out this
bitch so fast, because Nolan IS NOT SUBTLE!!!
Murder can be justified...(IT CANNOT DYLAN!)
Ava: No, that's just a fantasy.
Then we're shown Nolan talking to someone anonymous over the phone
requesting to see them... Does he know his killer?? Who is he meeting?? Why
does this person hate Nolan so much? How did Nolan die anyway? Did the
killer push him off the roof which is how he landed on the spikes of the
Ava: At BHU, we'll do whatever is takes to stay on top. We thrive under
pressure ... and the pressure is building to a breaking point.
Quick flashes of Jeremy, Caitlin, Alison, Mona, et all, et all when finally
the crime scene shows up. Everyone is in a panic, and Alison and Mona just
happened to get themselves back on the Mystery Murder train. Welcome back,
Ladies. We missed you!
Ava: And somebody is about to snap. And kill.
OMG I loved this!! I loved this so much! It was basically a nice little
refresher trailer with everything they released so far(and then some...) so
now we're totally ready for the March 20th release! I'm ready! I am SO
ready!! Are you?
Peace + Love,