Thursday, February 21, 2019

PLL: Perfectionists THEME SONG!


Okay so this is really fucking cool, you guys. The officials dropped the theme song, and I kinda expected something different, but this is cool! According to Marlene, there's going to be a different theme with clips and different parts of the song Secret, covered by Denmark and Winter, who I have to say did a BEAUTIFUL job with the song! I've heard snippets here and there, and it makes sense now how they only had parts of the songs in the earlier clips. I love, love, love how it's going to be different every time! Now I'm crossing my fingers that the cover gets released on Amazon Prime because I would LOVE to listen to the song in full Denmark and Winter glory!

What do you think of the opening theme twist? Do you approve of Denmark and Winter's cover? Because I sure do!

I apologize for the short post, but rest assured there will be more posts in the future!(Longer ones too... just wait til I start posting my recaps!)

Until next time...

Peace + Love,
